Category: Health Care Reform-Economics

Henry Ford, the (non-TV) Waltons, and Economic Justice

Very good column about wages and society’s economic wellbeing that my wife Lynn found in The Guardian ( Prompts me to put forward for consideration an economic argument that I’m not sure I’ve seen anywhere but probably just don’t remember…

Palin adds to incivility

As reported in the Cleveland PlainDealer, former Alaska governor Palin is contributing to the incivility. She not only called the Obama health care proposal “evil” but made ridiculous claims about an Obama “death panel.” When she asks, “Who will suffer…

Paul Krugman on Target

Paul Krugman’s column yesterday in the NYTimes is important to read. He points out the un-American manner in which many are opposing health care via shouting down Members of Congress and even making death threats. He also points out that…

Economics, Justice, and Health Care

Some major points from someone who has trained in both philosophy and economics: Health care insurance exists to protect one against catastrophic loss. Ordinary health care costs should be part of a household’s normal budget, like other “necessities” such as…